PO Box 155-40300, Homabay, Kenya

Lake Region Empowerment Network (LREN) - Kenya

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LREN Begins Smart Farming Support Program in Gembe Ward

Lake Region Empowerment Network(LREN) - Kenya and Africa Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Development (Africa CSID) have partnered to capacity-build and empower farmers and smallholder groups on sustainable and inclusive smart agriculture, value addition and climate change resilience at Nyaroya-Kisamba-Olambwe Irrigation Catchment in Gembe Ward.

LREN Kenya Programs Director Mr Samwel Masiwo and Africa CSID Chief Executive Ms Salome Owuonda today kicked off the program with sessions held in the farmlands of the beneficiary farmers, taking them through the training on smart farming and the nexus with climate change resilience even as the farmers decry not only harsh climatic conditions but also the scourge brought about by human-animal conflict in the area.

The joint program launched today covered 50 farmers doing smallholder horticultural farming as well as over 20 direct beneficiaries of LREN's vocational training program that also focuses on skills acquisition to be applied in smart farming activities. Through the SIFA(Sustainable Inclusive Food Systems Agent) program, Africa CSID seeks to empower farmers with skills to employ resilient farming techniques while also giving them a platform to market their produce.

Ms. Owuonda implored the farmers to consider diversification, urging them to venture further into cash crop farming as well as animal keeping, saying that it's only through that they can have a sustainable livelihood out of agriculture.  She also advised the farmers to now begin looking into drought-resistant seeds as a mitigation to prolonged drought and the continued lack of reliable irrigation programs.

Mr. Masiwo on his part reiterated his organization’s focus on economic empowerment even as he insisted that it is high time the farmers inculcated climate resilience, justice and biodiversity as a mitigation measure. 


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LREN Kenya in partnership with Africa CSID held a consultative forum with the Jaramo CBO in Nyabola, West Kasipul Ward. The CBO engages in smart farming in both aquaculture and horticulture and in LREN Kenya they have always had a reliable partner. LREN has previously been able to support the group in capacity building, financial support and training of their business model as well as training on value addition and market access We visited them in their farmlands to hear one on one experience incorporating climate resilience in their farming activities. They however, face several challenges that we seek to support them on,the new support will include putting up a fence to help secure their project, restocking their fish ponds with quality fingerlings and providing feeds to help improve their Production. 


